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What could you
do with a
U.S. tax rate

A Windward Success Story
Client X from Southern California owns an e-commerce company doing
$10 Million
in Gross Revenue with a
netting him $5 Million before taxes.

The client resides in Southern California in a 50% tax bracket, and was referred to Windward Alliance by his CPA because of our experience, network, and intimate knowledge of the United States most tax-efficient territories.

We met with our client and shared with him the top four most entrepreneurial focused Economic Development Tax Programs available in the United States, and how we support our clients in qualifying for these programs which award a 4% U.S. tax rate. We discussed his business model and underwrote all programs available to assess which tax program suited his business model best, and provided the highest Net Economic Value to his company.

We then performed a detailed feasibility study and ultimately discovered that “Program D” offered my client the most value, awarding him with a
$1.9 Million
annual tax saving NET after all program expenses. This translated to a

in our client’s bottom line, which empowered him to rise as an industry leader the following year through his strategic use of this increase in working capital for his company.

We then explained to our client
that he has the option to have this 4% tax rate flow to his personal income by becoming a resident of the U.S
territory where “Program D’s” tax legislation exists. OR he could continue to reside in California, and only
receive the 4% tax rate on his Corporate profits, while still paying California tax on any dividends he chooses to receive. Our client told us he typically reinvests 50% of his profits and distributes 50% as dividends which through “Program D” would save him $1.4 Million if he decided to keep his Southern California lifestyle Vs. $1.9 Million in savings if we wanted to change his residency. ……Client X looked at us with a smile and thanked us for giving him such lucrative choices. Windward Alliance assembled our clients team to work together to
executive all Corporate structures and facilitate the Tax Program Applications through its final approval.
Our client decided that for $500,000 extra in direct tax savings,

it was worth moving to the territory where many of our websites images were taken first hand. Windward Alliance continues our relationship with the Social Value we bring to our client by guiding him to find his house, boat, office space,and most importantly his ongoing Tax Program’s compliance support.

The Data Breakdown

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